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Adult Autism

What is Autism?

Autism is a natural genetic brain difference. It is not a disorder or something to be cured. It is a naturally occurring neurotype. This is why many autistic people prefer not to use "person-first" (person with autism) language, but instead "identify-first" (autistic person) language. They do not have autism, they are autistic. To be autistic means you experience the world differently. You most likely have a lifetime of experiences that supports feeling misunderstood and different. The core areas of differences are in social communication and interactions and restrictive or repetitive interests, activities, or behaviors. This can look like discomfort with eye contact, being more literal in thinking, difficulty understanding the meaning of jokes or other forms of communication by non-autistic people, having special interests creates hyper-focus and may be different from others, being hyper or hypo aware of sensory input, difficulty recognizing emotions and other sensations within the body, needing routine and structure, difficulty with adjusting to changes, and many others. 

Late Identified Autism

Some autistics are missed or misdiagnosed. This is especially true for those who do not have the stereotypical presentation, which is a highly common experience for females. Autism is a spectrum, and as the saying goes, "if you've met one autistic person, you've met one autistic person." Since it can be so vast in it's presentation, it's no wonder so many go undiagnosed. Often, a common trait in those who came to this diagnosis later in life is the chronic feeling of being different and misunderstand. They may have also been misdiagnosed with things like Personality Disorders, Anxiety Disorders, Depression, and Bipolar Disorder. They may have also started out with labels like Highly Sensitive Person or Empath. It's common for autistics to "mask" their traits as they attempt to fit into a neurotypical world. If this is you or you suspect it could be, it's never too late to seek a diagnosis or treatment for Autism. 

Strengths of Autism

  • Organized

  • Problem solvers

  • Logical and can see all sides

  • Creative

  • Excellent memory

  • Attention to detail

  • Wealth of knowledge in a particular area

  • Visual thinker

  • Honest and reliable

  • Deep thinker 

  • Able to focus for long periods of time

Struggles of Autism

  • Prone to anxiety and depression

  • Easily experiences burnout 

  • Difficulty communicating thoughts and emotions and understanding others

  • Quickly depletes energy

  • Becomes overwhelmed and overstimulated quickly

  • Difficulty focusing on things outside of special interests

  • Social anxiety

  • Busy mind that is hard to settle

  • Takes longer to become aware of sensations and emotions within the body

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